Friday, September 9, 2016

Active Learning

I was recently introduced to the idea of "active learning" and it got me thinking... is there a way I could use this idea within the realm of social work?  So I Googled exactly that: active learning and social work.  I guess I shouldn't be surprised that one of the first hits was a book about that specific topic!  
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For those unfamiliar with active learning, it is basically the idea that students will be more engaged and learn more effectively if they have some independence and are given the choice of a variety of modalities for experiencing and sharing information.  Students no longer sit and absorb information being recited to them by the 'all-knowing-teacher.'  Instead, todays students need to be actively involved in collaborating, getting hands-on, making models, and really experiencing the lessons we are hoping to share with them.

If you're interested in the active learning example I was shown, check out this Prezi.

In the realm of school social work, I have always naturally used some aspects of active learning.  It is pretty clear that lecturing to students about social skills and emotion management is not nearly as useful as having them discuss and role-play various scenarios.  

The aspect of active learning that I have not yet emphasized is student self-assessment.  As the adult, I always felt that it was my job to assess my students' progress and to provide them with professional feedback to help guide them on their journeys.  I think it would be interesting (and slightly anxiety-provoking) for me to ask the students to assess themselves and/or their peers.

One way I can imagine to incorporate student-led assessment would be to have my students create products that reflect their learning.  I would not want to put students in the position of directly judging each other's character and social skills, for fear of hurt feelings and deflated egos.  In the past, I have had students create low-tech picture books reflecting their learning.  For example, we have made a collection of strategies for coping with feelings.

When I feel angry I can...
squeeze a stress ball
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Not only could I envision allowing the students to give each other feedback about their products, but I could also imagine making the products more relevant to the students.  Rather than making a simple book, the students might enjoy sharing their learning through an Audioboom or a Popplet.  Maybe they could even create a YouTube video about the topic for others to view and give feedback, similar to the cute video Tyler created below:


  1. I often think about the same things! How can I incorporate more active learning and technology during my sessions too... You are a great writer!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love how you think, Sharon! Active learning can be found in many areas using many different tools. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Another option would be to have the students create PicCollage pictures demonstrating their learning. So many possibilities. I also believe students are never too young to start self-assessing. If we were teaching this beginning very very preliminary in kindergarten imagine the types of thinkers we would have by middle school.
